UUA President Applauds Statement on Same-Sex Marriage by President Obama

The following statement was issued on May 9, 2012, by Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) President the Rev. Peter Morales:

“President Obama?s announcement today that he supports the right of same sex couples to marry is a courageous step forward in the direction of justice and equality for all Americans. I applaud the President?s decision to declare his support for the freedom to marry for all loving couples. Like many Americans, President Obama says his position on this issue has evolved over the years, and today it seems clear that the arc of the universe is bending toward justice.

“The Unitarian Universalist Association called for the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in 1996. Unitarian Universalists will continue to stand on the side of love for marriage equality until the freedom to marry belongs to all.”

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a faith community of more than 1,000 self-governing congregations that bring to the world a vision of religious freedom, tolerance, and social justice.

The UUA has supported civil rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people for several decades. The denomination voted in 1996 to advocate for full legal marriage equality. For more information on the UUA, including recent press releases and news articles, please visit our online press room at http://bit.ly/oQFpIT.

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District Assembly Coming April 27-29

DA2012-360pxThe CMwD District Assembly is the premier event drawing UUs from all over our 5-state area. Participate in talks with eminent Unitarian Universalist leaders, enjoy workshops and worship, or just interact with friends and new acquaintances.

We hope you’ve found the District Assembly Brochures in your congregation’s literature rack. If you haven’t, you can see it and much else, including a flyer of the workshops we’ll be presenting online here. We have a full lineup of Workshops in two sessions, just look at what we’re offering!

Your opportunity to come to DA at an Early Bird rate – $145 for regular and $110 for volunteers (who agree to work with us for 2 hours while there) – is coming to an end on April 4. That’s just 3 weeks away.

So, if you’d like to be a part of this exciting event, register today! You can register and pay online at www.regonline.com/da2012.

Dori Thexton

We invite you to visit the CMwD online CALENDAR!
Our latest Webinar is ready to view online at www.MidwestUULeadership.org


Change your subscription



Central Midwest District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
1555 Sherman Avenue, Ste 345, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone 312-636-9724 FAX 224-603-2309

cmwd@cmwd-uua.org website www.cmwd-uua.org

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Our LGBT Brothers and Sisters in Uganda

Dear Richard,

Fear and hatred are once again fueling homophobia in Uganda. Recent news reports indicate that the Ugandan Parliament might soon pass the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill (AHB) that will endanger the lives of LGBT citizens of that country. We must not allow this violation of basic human rights to go unopposed.

I am deeply troubled by this unconscionable attempt to legitimize hatred and bigotry. There is credible speculation that the AHB is being used to blind the world to the Ugandan government’s failure to address problems of rampant inflation and civil unrest. Whatever the motivation, it is clear that AHB is an attack not only on LGBT Ugandans but on the basic principles of inclusivity and human rights.

We at the UUA are coordinating our response to the developing situation with our Unitarian Universalist minister in Kampala, as well as our partner LGBT human rights organizations in Uganda and the United States. In the face of this inhumanity, the UUA has extended its continuing commitment and support to our congregants and partners. The Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) also is pursuing opportunities for coalition work opposing the bill.

I urge you to take action in any way you can. There is further information at Amnesty International, and please consider signing the All Out petition.

And your donation to the UUA/UU-UNO LGBT Uganda Fund will continue to support important LGBT civil rights work in Uganda even if the AHB does not pass – but becomes even more essential if this bill does pass.

As we continue this fight for justice, please hold all LGBT Ugandans in your thoughts and prayers. Right now they are uniquely vulnerable, and quite possibly in physical danger.

Join me in standing on the side of love with our LGBT brothers and sisters in Uganda.

Rev. Peter Morales

Rev. Peter Morales
Unitarian Universalist Association

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UUA President and UUSC President Appeal for Japan Relief Fund

UUA President the Rev. Peter Morales and UUSC President the Rev. Dr.
William F. Schulz have released the following joint statement on the
ongoing crisis in Japan. To donate to the UUA/UUSC Japan Relief Fund,
visit http://tinyurl.com/3p7bsbt.

Dear friends,

More than a month after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan,
roughly 12,000 people are dead, 15,000 are missing, and more than
500,000 are displaced. Japan is also coping with a nuclear crisis that
is being compared to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

The heart-wrenching situation changes day by day, but help is on the
way. Thanks to very generous donations from Unitarian Universalists (UU)
and our congregations across the country, the Unitarian Universalist
Association (UUA)-Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Japan
Relief Fund has raised more than $200,000, which will aid in the
recovery efforts.

The Rev. Eric Cherry, the UUA’s director of International Resources,
recently traveled to Japan to meet with our partner groups. Rissho
Kosei-kai (RKK), one of our religious partners, shared that their
assessment team is reporting severe devastation among their
congregations. Read more in the UU World article “UUA-UUSC Japan Fund
Supports Religious Partners After Quake”: http://tinyurl.com/6lbqh6r.

Your generous support is still needed to alleviate the suffering of the
Japanese people and help rebuild their lives. Please give generously
today, at http://tinyurl.com/3p7bsbt. Your immediate support will help
RKK congregations provide shelter to people who are homeless, and bring
food, clothing, fuel, and other supplies. The Fund will also provide
support to our other partners in Japan, as well as help in the long-term
recovery efforts.

With your help, we can bring relief and hope to the people of Japan.
Thank you.

In faith,

The Rev. Peter Morales, UUA President
The Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz, UUSC President

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Information Meeting for DA and GA Delegates and Attendees

There will be an informational meeting in the Atrium auditorium on Saturday at 3:30 p.m., and another one on Sunday between the services. We will meet in the choir seats behind the piano.

The purpose is to talk to all potential delegates to District Assembly (April 29-May 1) in Bloomington, Illinois, and General Assembly (June 22-26) in Charlotte, North Carolina. We will be asking all potential delegates who may need financial aid to attend, to fill out a form applying to be a delegate, and to state their need. We will need those requests returned by April 17 if you are unable to turn them in this weekend. You need to be a delegate to apply for aid, and you need to be a member to be a delegate.

The early registration deadline for GA is May 1. After that, the price increases by $45 per person. We will make award decisions at least a week before that in order to help the decision for those who could not afford to go without it.

If you would like to be a delegate, but don’t require financial aid, there is no time constraint other than to let us know before GA. We would, however, very much like to know if you are planning to attend either, so we can prepare a list as we did last year, and share phone numbers among those willing to do so. We would like to have that list compiled by mid June at the latest.

We will have a potluck at 6 p.m. on June 1, followed by a discussion of issues before the General Assembly, as well as to orient those who are new to this wonderful annual event. Done by 8 p.m.

For further information please contact
Lynn (lscoby2@mac.com) or Richard Scoby (rscoby2@mac.com)
Denominational Affairs co-chairs

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Tell Congress: Stop Defending the Indefensible

Dear Richard, 

Equal Benefits for Equal Work.  That was the motto of GLIFAA (Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies) when I served on their Board of Directors.  For 25 years, I served my country as a Foreign Service Officer at the Department of State in American embassies and consulates general in places like Athens, Lusaka, Calcutta, Lahore, Karachi, Khartoum, Nairobi, Abidjan and Banjul.

Bruce Knotts and his husband Isaac


I’m married to Isaac Humphrie.  We were married in Canada and our marriage is recognized by the State of New York.   However, our marriage is not recognized by the Federal Government because of the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA).

What does that mean to us?  My heterosexual colleagues enjoy benefits for themselves, their spouses and children.  These health and pension benefits are worth thousands of dollars every year.  Despite having done as much or more work than my colleagues and faced as much or more danger in the line of duty, my spouse has no access to my benefits.  That means that Isaac has no health benefits and no access to my pension benefits.

It’s time to end institutionalized discrimination based on sexual orientation in this country. Tell Congress it is time to repeal the “Defense of Marriage Act” and restore the rights of lawfully married same-sex couples to receive the protections of marriage under federal law.

Send a message to Congress today to repeal DOMA.

In Nairobi, I survived the terrorist bombing of our embassy in 1998 and earned two awards for heroism, superior honor and meritorious honor, which are among the highest awards that can be given to an American diplomat.  While in Abidjan, I learned that there were reports that the Liberian President had sent an assassin with orders to assassinate me.  It seems that Charles Taylor believed that I was sending Liberian refugees to the United States (I sent over 7,000 to safety in the United States).  Charles Taylor, believed that these Liberian refugees (mostly women and children) would be trained to kill him, so he wanted me dead.  I served my country with distinction and honor.  In 2007, I retired from the Department of State and took my current position at the Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office in New York City.

While the families of my colleagues enjoy benefits worth thousands, my 25 years of work facing life-threatening danger earns me not a penny in benefits for my family.  To add insult to injury, in the State Department, pets (dogs and cats) receive travel benefits up to $1,000 per trip, while same-sex partners receive nothing.  We are treated with less value than a dog.  It is past time that those who have served this country with courage, and all Americans, receive equal benefits for equal work.

Can you join me to stand on the side of love and help our country move towards a place of inclusion for all families, and respect for all love?

Tell Congress to end marriage discrimination and to repeal DOMA now.

Thank you,

Bruce Knotts
Executive Director
Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office

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UUA Committee on Committees Announcements

Apply now to the General Assembly Planning Committee or the Commission on Social Witness!

In addition to elected members, the General Assembly Planning Committee and the Commission on Social Witness have several positions that the Board of Trustees fills through appointment. The board is accepting applications for these positions through March 11, 2011. Appointees are expected to attend General Assembly in June. For information on these committees and links to the online application, go to http://tinyurl.com/lse59g for the Committee on Committees application form.

Be careful to use the Committees on Committees (and not the Nominating Committee) application. If you have questions or experience difficulty with filing your application, contact nlawrence@uua.org.

Apply now to the Panel on Theological Education!

The Committee on Committees of the UUA Board of Trustees is accepting applications for chair of the Panel on Theological Education. The appointee will complete the remainder of a term that ends December 31, 2011, and would be eligible for re-appointment to three more two-year terms.

All members of UUA committees must be able to demonstrate functional competency in anti-racism, anti-oppression, and multiculturalism. Travel and other meeting expenses are covered, per established guidelines.

Links to further information about the Panel and the online Committee on Committees application form can be found at Committee on Committees application form at http://tinyurl.com/lse59g.

The deadline for applications is March 11, 2011.

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Honoring My Two Moms

Two weeks ago, I took a stand for equality, and for my family. Taking time away from classes at the University of Iowa, where I am an engineering student, I testified before the Iowa House of Representatives in opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. “I was raised by a gay couple,” I told lawmakers, “and I’m doing pretty well.”

More than one and a half million people have now viewed my testimony on YouTube, and a lot of people have heaped an inordinately large amount of undeserved praise on me. As a Unitarian Universalist, my testimony was simply what I was raised to believe—that we all should stand on the side of love.

A few days ago, I found out that the Standing on the Side of Love campaign was launching a new, online map of “courageous love” to mark National Standing on the Side of Love Day and had posted my testimony before the legislature to the map. I am humbled that someone thought my family’s story might be an inspiration to others across the country and have been truly touched by the outpouring of support not just for my family, but for families like mine all across the world.

So, let me ask you—who in your life and your community would you like to honor for the tremendous ways in which they stand on the side of love?

Share a story of courageous love online so that others may be inspired.

The courageous love I want to honor is that of my two moms – Terry and Jackie. Together for 15 years, they created a loving family for my sister and me, despite living in a culture that doesn’t always treat them, or their love, as equal. In 2009, the year marriage discrimination ended in Iowa, they finally were able to get married. As my moms’ best man, I’ll remember that day for the rest of my life. Two years later, I had the opportunity to share my story and to my utter surprise, millions of people responded. I hope you’ll share yours too.

This National Standing on the Side of Love Day, you can shine the spotlight on the courageous love in your life by telling your online community about people you know who exemplify an unshakeable faith in the power of justice and love.

Honor your personal hero by uploading their story online so others may be inspired.

In faith,

Zach Wahls

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Exciting New General Assembly Off-Site Option for 2011

Have you felt there was a barrier between you and your attendance at GA?

GA 2011 will witness a breakthrough in participation of those who cannot physically attend GA. The Off-site Delegate Planning Team will be welcoming up to 250 delegates who might otherwise be unable to be present at GA to be there virtually.

This next step toward full off-site delegate participation at GA 2012 will be this 250 delegate body—proportionally including lay, ministerial, and religious educator delegates to reflect the whole potential delegate pool—with special care to include those among us who have historically been missing in person at GA.

For GA 2011, full participation in the Plenary Sessions will include opportunities to view the proceedings in real time and “speak” at any of the microphones. Votes will be recorded and reported to the Assembly, but for this Trial the off-site votes will not be counted in final tallies. Many of the other governance elements of the Assembly will be available in listening format, as technically possible, enhanced with other forms of detail updates.

If you will be a delegate (congregational, ministerial, religious educator) but will not be able to attend because of physical, economic, or other limitation, consider being part of this exciting option as we move into the 21st century in what it means to be a GA delegate.

Application for Off-Site Delegate status will open simultaneously with regular GA registration, but conclude on April 15. An Off-Site Delegate, for inclusion in this test group, will need to verify delegate status, technical capacity (easily done!), participation in special training/test run prior to GA, and pay a nominal fee.

Full information about the process of application for GA 2011 Off-Site Delegates will be contained in the main mailing for General Assembly.

Also, follow the process of these developments at: www.uua.org/offsitega

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One Year Later, UUSC-UUA Joint Haiti Relief Fund Response Continues

One year after the earthquake in Haiti, UUSC and the UUA continue to respond to the enormity of the devastation. You have responded remarkably to our relief appeal. Since January 12, 2010, you—collectively with thousands of other members and supporters—have contributed more than $1,965,000 to support our work in Haiti.

A portion of that amount has helped us meet a very generous $500,000 challenge grant from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, in Manhasset, N.Y. Through eye-to-eye partnerships, the UUSC-UUA Joint Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund (http://tinyurl.com/UUSC-UUAHaitiFund) is helping Haitian grassroots organizations continue to respond to the needs of earthquake survivors to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of multiple crises.

Together we have made the following—and more—possible:

  • Provided emergency food and clothing to thousands of displaced Haitians.
  • Offered temporary employment to more than 2,000 displaced people in rural areas.
  • Trained 80 Haitian community activists in trauma-response techniques.
  • Organized economic training to get 200 women street vendors back on their feet.
  • Created child-protection committees in 10 camps.
  • Mobilized and trained 100 community activists to work against gender-based violence in Port-au-Prince camps.

We have not forgotten Haiti. And we know you—and your friends and families and congregations—haven’t either. Looking for ways to stay involved?

Thank you for joining us and our Haitian partners in this important work.

William F. Schulz, President and CEO of UUSC

Peter Morales, President of the UUA

“This soil conservation and road improvement project, it was like a gift from heaven! With the money I earned, I paid part of the annual school fees and bought shoes and a uniform to go back to school. I am in sixth grade. Honestly, if I did not get this part-time job, I would not have gone back to school. Instead I would have gone to the Dominican Republic to support myself and my family. Please keep doing these kinds of projects. They allow us farm families to live like human beings!” —Jordany, 23 years old [education is often delayed due to finances], participant in a Partnership for Local Development (UUSC partner) project

“Our congregation has set the ambitious goal of raising $8,520 over four Sundays. This will allow Camp Oasis [a UUSC project in Haiti] to feed, clothe, house, and provide education for five girls for one year….The ultimate amount collected through both the offertory and the match is anticipated to be a total of $34,080.00….We trust it will make a significant difference in the lives of those children.” —Gary D. Nissenbaum, chair of the Social Action Committee at the Unitarian Church in Summit, N.J.

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