UUA President Applauds California Prop 8 Ruling

(Boston, MA – August 4, 2010) — Rev. Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, issued the following statement:

The ruling today by Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker declaring California’s Proposition 8 to be unconstitutional is a victory for same-sex couples, their families, and all Americans who believe in equal rights. Over the past several years marriage equality has become a reality in Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Argentina. It should be a cause of national shame that the United States is not yet among those nations.

For many years now Unitarian Universalists (UUs) in California have been at the forefront of the struggle for marriage equality in that state. I applaud their continuing efforts, and I reaffirm the commitment of Unitarian Universalists nationwide to stand on the side of love until marriage equality is the law of the land.

The complete text of this statement can be found on: http://www.uua.org/news/newssubmissions/170635.shtml

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